10th February, 2023
A second training for the Indian Bank’s Association (IBA) provided by Carbon4 Finance
Around 25 members of the Indian Banks Association participated on February 10th, 2023 in a training on integration of sustainability on the finance regulation landscape. This session aims at presenting the current landscape of regulation. The objective of the session is to present examples of existing regulation and present the existing disclosure and taxonomy frameworks. The session especially focused on the European Union (EU) taxonomy and EU regulatory tools that are currently being used. The session also covered other frameworks and initiatives like TCFD, TNFD, SBTi or Gfanz. The training was provided by the GIFS Initiative, and presented by French experts and leading European advisory group Carbon4 Finance. This was the second training of a cycle of fourth trainings co-organized by GIFS Initiative and IBA. The first training took place in November 2022 and targeted transition risks, while next trainings will focus on biodiversity, on data use and on the development of climate strategies at the bank’s level. This training is part of a larger cycle organized with the Indian Banks Association, which was appointed by the Reserve Bank of India as the nodal point for climate finance capacity building among the banking system.